
Google Open-Sources GPipe Library for Faster Training of Large Deep-Learning Models

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Google AI is open-sourcing GPipe, a TensorFlow library for accelerating the training of large deep-learning models. Deep-neural-networks (DNN) are the tool of choice for solving many AI tasks, such as natural-language processing and visual object detection. New methods for the latter are often benchmarked against winners of the ImageNet challenge. Each year’s winning entry has performed better than the last; however, there is a corresponding increase in model complexity. The… Read More »Google Open-Sources GPipe Library for Faster Training of Large Deep-Learning Models

Benefit your business with Machine Learning

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Machine Learning is about extracting meaningful information to identify patterns that could help to greatly improve business management. What are the main benefits of Machine Learning? Nowadays, we can take advantage of technology to achieve things that until today were only done by humans. Machine Learning is becoming one of the most powerful tools that could help organizations to get positive impacts by making better business decisions. In this case,… Read More »Benefit your business with Machine Learning