
Google Researchers Say Spectre Will Haunt Us for Years

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According to a paper by several Google researchers, speculative vulnerabilities currently defeat all programming-language-level means of enforcing information confidentiality. This would not be just an incidental property of how we build our systems, but rather the result of wrong mental models that led us to trade security for performance without knowing it. Our paper shows these leaks are not only design flaws, but are in fact foundational, at the very… Read More »Google Researchers Say Spectre Will Haunt Us for Years

The 5 most critical web application security risks

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OWASP provides a comprehensive list of the most common vulnerabilities, and here, we will show you 5 of them which you have to take into account during the entire dev process. Developing a real work web application can be really challenging. The developer team must have very good skills in all the layers from the frontend down to the very backend. This challenge is even bigger when considering the most… Read More »The 5 most critical web application security risks